Saturday, 17 November 2012

ICFRE, Dehra Dun and USFS, USA in exchange programme

The United States Forest Service (USFS) and Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) will collaborate to facilitate exchange visits of forestry personnel between the two countries for studying climate initiatives and exchange of faculty and students from Forest Research Institute University with the US counterparts.

A team from USFS discussed the proposed collaboration with the ICFRE director general VK Bahuguna in Dehradun for planning and implementing Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) plus in India.

The ICFRE is already revising the classification of forest types in India and assessing the changes in forest types will be useful in mapping baselines and comparative carbon estimates over time.

The council is also involved in REDD+ strategy development in the country and also going to launch pilot REDD+ projects in Uttarakhand and Gujarat. The council DG further said that ICFRE also needs to develop capacity in estimation of non-carbon aspects in areas relevant to REDD+ like impacts and vulnerability assessments, ecosystem goods and services, adaptation services, social economic research and valuation of ecosystems services.

The proposed collaboration between USFS and ICFRE will entail exchange visits of forestry personnel between the two countries for studying climate initiatives, training programmes for scientists from ICFRE and its institutes on use of new technologies for research in climate change and exchange of faculty and students from FRI University with their counterparts from USA. The proposed collaboration between USFS and ICFRE is also expected to take the benefits of REDD+ to joint forest management and village level while integrating community forest management institution into the national and State level
REDD+ architecture.

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