Saturday, 2 March 2013

Attention DehraDun Police - If you misbehave with public, you will land in jungle!

Cracking the whip on errant policemen, Dehardun Police have decided to adopt a novel method of punishment in which they will spend a day in forest all alone with the bare minimum for survival. Police personnel, found guilty of dereliction of duty or misbehaving with public will spend a day in the forest all alone with the bare minimum for survival.

The move follows frequent complaints about policemen misbehaving with people who approach them for help.

Personnel attached to the police lines as a punishment for dereliction of duty or misbehaving with the public will be given 15 days' time to mend their ways, failing which they will be sent to the jungle to spend 24 hours in solitude, with bare necessities to support them, like uncooked rice, pulses and two water bottles.

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